Over the past several weeks, Steelhead fishing has been outstanding! Warmer than normal temperatures and higher water levels have made for great migrations this season on the Muskegon and Manistee Rivers. This year class of steelhead and salmon has been nothing short of spectacular, with an abundance of alewives, the fish have put on the feed bag!
So what's working best to catch them?
Back bouncing is an easy technique to master. The angler needs to keep close contact with the bottom and feel the weight hitting the boat. With back bouncing, you can actually feel the texture of the bottom, (sand, rock, gravel) and the bottom depth, and hidden pockets and lies that may not be seen.
Hits range from rip the rod out of your hand, to soft, subtle heavy feeling. Winter Steelhead can be light biters especially when the water is very cold.
So what's working best to catch them?
Floats - Spawn - Beads. Without a doubt, floats and spawn has been working best, producing a lot of steelhead and fat trout. Covering water with technique has been key. Great Lakes Steelhead Company - Beads have also been working great! Trout beads match a single egg perfectly. Their colors are nothing short of amazing! I usually peg the bead about 2.5" from the hook. A snelled hook seems to work the best, as it always lays straight on the leader. It looks like a weird set up but, actually it works perfectly. The fish is always hooked well inside the corner of the mouth.
Back Bouncing Spawn. Back bouncing spawn has also been another deadly technique for winter and early spring steelhead. With this style of technique, a heavy drift sinker, ( 1oz or more) is "walked" along the bottom in a hop, hop motion. It very much resembles a jigging motion.
Large spawn sacks tied with steelhead skein the size of a quarter with 4-5 bright orange floaters help keep the eggs off the bottom. This technique is so deadly because it offers a lot of scent and the bait is always right in the fishes face.

Hits range from rip the rod out of your hand, to soft, subtle heavy feeling. Winter Steelhead can be light biters especially when the water is very cold.
These two techniques will help you have a better time on the river, and land more steelhead
We are available for guided trips on the Muskegon & Manistee Rivers year around. Visit our new website for accurate Daily Steelhead fishing reports.
We are available for guided trips on the Muskegon & Manistee Rivers year around. Visit our new website for accurate Daily Steelhead fishing reports.