A new month with new spring steelhead entering the river. March is possibly one on the best months for steelhead fishing in Michigan. With a fair amount of spring snow melt off, much longer day light, warmer water tempratures, March kicks steelhead fishing into overdrive!
Over the past few days, we've expreinced some great fishing! Fly Fishing has become increasing more productive each day. Best fly patterns have been the Egg Sucking Stone Fly, Psycho Nymph, and the Ice Man Minnow. All of which have produced some great fish! Josh landed a gorgeous hen on the "Golby" ice man minnow. Dr. Reily, and Dr. Steve also landed some great steelhead and trout on flies.

Centerpin float fishing has also been very productive. Jigs and wax worms, and floats/spawn.The upper sections of the Muskegon River from the Newaygo area up to Croton have been fishing well. New Chrome Spring Steelhead are on the way with plenty more to come.